APK Tools

APK Tools 3.50 Android app manager for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

APK Tools Abstract:

APK Tools works with Android phones and makes it easier to do development or rooting work with your phone or tablet; Easy-to-use graphical user interface. It is a freeware phone application.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Decompiler for Android .apk files - Screenshot of APK Tools
Screenshot of APK Tools - 580px · 403px
Tool developed from scratch for ADB Android phones - Screenshot of APK Tools
Screenshot of APK Tools - 580px · 403px
APK Tools: User interface - Screenshot of APK Tools
Screenshot of APK Tools - 580px · 403px
APK Tools screenshot
Size: 416px · 524px
APK Tools screenshot
Size: 416px · 524px
APK Tools screenshot
Size: 261px · 187px